I am a computer scientist engaged in multidisciplinary research developing multi-agent models and simulations of complex systems. In particular, I specialise in the modelling and simulation of: (a) human behaviour in the context of pedestrian evacuations during seismic crisis; and (b) multimodal transport and logistics. I also work on graph theoretic methods focused on the modelling, analysis and comparison of semantic networks/graphs applied to the governance structures of European ports.
I obtained my PhD in Computer Science in 2019 from Université Grenoble Alpes, France. During the PhD, I was connected with the LIG (Team: HAwAI /Magma) and PACTE (Team: Environnements) laboratories. I started my post doc in 2020 at LITIS (Team: RI2C), Université Le Havre Normandie, France. In 2021, I continued my post doc at LITIS, INSA-Rouen (Team: RI2C​), Normandie, France.
I obtained my Masters degree in Remote Sensing in 2008, and my Bachelors degree in Geodetic Engineering in 2000, from the University of the Philippines.
I am currently based in Le Havre and Rouen, Normandie, France.

2015 - 2019
PhD Computer Science, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
Multi agent modelling of Seismic Crisis
Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck & Carole Adam
Laboratoire Informatique du Grenoble (LIG), Equipe: Magma/HawAI, and
Laboratoire de Science Sociale (Pacte),
Equipe: Environnements
MSc Remote Sensing, University of the Philippines.
Thesis Adviser:
Rhodora Gonzalez
BSc Geodetic Engineering, University of the Philippines
2021, Post Doc. Computer Science. LITIS, INSA Rouen, Normandie.
Equipe: Réseaux d'interactions et Intelligence Collective (RI2C)
Project: [1] Dynamic Semantic Graphs (Graph Theory), and [2] Multi-agent modelling and simulation of complex multi-modal logistics flows (imports and exports) in the Seine Axis (Ports and Territories/ Hinterland).
2020, Post Doc. Computer Science. LITIS, Université Le Havre, Normandie.
Equipe: Réseaux d'interactions et Intelligence Collective (RI2C).
Project: [1] Dynamic Semantic Graphs (Graph Theory), and [2] Multi-agent modelling and simulation of complex multi-modal logistics flows (imports and exports) in the Seine Axis (Ports and Territories/ Hinterland).